Friday, January 4, 2008

I've been Tagged!

Okay, so I have been tagged a few times before & never followed through with it, so I thought today I would! My sweet friend Kristen is the one who tagged here's to you Kristen! :)

So, when you have read mine, if your name is at the bottom, I guess you're it! :)

The Rules:A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I am a total project starter & am always quick & excited to get going on things, but it always seems to take forever for me to complete these wonderful projects! In fact, when I start one thing, I automatically start on something else, and occassionally, I may even start on a third thing to make things more exciting! Maybe I have adult ADD! :) This mostly occurs when I am cleaning or organizing! I must say, that when the job does get done, it is AMAZING & almost PERFECT!

2. I have to have my clothes hanging in the closet a very particular way. They all have to face the same direction & have to all be color coordinated. Whites are always first, then off whites, blacks, reds, pinks, purples, blues, greens, browns, yellows, oranges, and greys. I used to seperate the long sleeved from the short sleeved & did the whole color process with them as well, but last night I cleaned out my closet & decided that it was time to have the short sleeve's meet the long sleeves! Isn't that ridiculous!?

3. I love to run! I know most people think I am crazy that I love to run. I think when I trained for & ran the St. George Marathon, I was the most content, happy person. I was doing something that I love every single day! I looked so forward to the long runs, 15+ miles! Unless you are a runner, you will probably never understand the LOVE of running, of course, anyone can become a runner & experience that love for themselves. Since being pregnant & then having Liv, I have not been able to really get into a good pattern of running. I have missed it & when I see people outside running, I really am envious & wish that it was me out there. I have started up again & hope to run a marathon or two before this year is over!

4. This one is a bad habit. Definetly something I am working on this year! I ALWAYS have good intentions of doing something nice or helping others out, but then life gets in the way & I just don't do these wonderful things. There's not much more that I can say about this one, except that I really do hope to start acting this year on the promptings I get to help others!

5. I have been told this for most of my life, at least from my early teens on, that I am a good listener. And with that, I am a good talker as well! :)

6. I am a very EMOTIONAL person! For those of you who know me well, I cry at the drop of a hat! I wouldn't say that I am ultra sensitive & get my feeling hurt easily, but I am very intune with my emotions. I cry over silly commercials or things I hear on the radio. For instance, a few days before Christmas, a local radio station that I listen to put on an entire Christmas for a family & even hooked them up with a Disney Cruise & all. I was bawling like a baby! Poor Brayden was not sure what to think of his crazy mom! :) I can't get through any lesson I teach at church with out a few tears shed! Not that it is a bad thing, but I don't necessarily like wearing my emotions on my sleeves!

Okay, that was fun! Let's see....... Kelly Galbraith, Jess Cutler, Andrea Nelson, Racheal Bassett, Becky Platt, & Natalee Webb-TAG, YOU ARE IT!


Christine said...

Too funny. I would love to be able to run a marathon! I am actually hoping to do my first mini triathlon before the end of '08.

Lindsey Harman said...

Oh Jen! Fun to hear about. We are similar in many ways. You're a dear. That's all! Miss ya! XOXO

Marcelina Moreno said...

thank you for not tagging me I am so bad about these things.

Kristen said...

Thanks, girl! Fun things to read.

Rachel said...

Okay so I haven't been good about doing my tag, but I have a pretty good excuse...I already did one, so I would hate to bore everyone with more random facts (that's even if I could think of more). If you want to see them they are in September. However, mine are nowhere as good as yours mine are very short.

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