Friday, December 19, 2008

I get the Worlds Best Mom award!!!!

I am curious to know how many of you have ever had those moments as a mother/parent or what ever you are when you feel like the biggest LOSER of a parent?! Well, this is how my day began.

5:50 am

Teagen: Mom!!!! The Tooth Fairy came!
Mom: Sweet, now get back to bed!
Teagen: I thought the Tooth Fairy would leave more than 75 cents.
Mom (knowing exactly how much the Tooth Fairy did leave): Teagen, I bet there is another quarter SOME where in your bed! Go look for it & then get back in bed!
Teagen (after looking): Nope, just 3 quarters! Mom, I am going to shut your door cause you need your beauty sleep!
Mom: DO NOT TURN ON THE TV!!! (if he shuts my door, I know he has ulterior motives!!)

7:15 am

Mom: Teagen you HAVE to wear your PJ's to school, it's PJ day!
Teagen: I don't want to! I am definitely not wearing that sweatshirt! It's my choice to wear what ever I want!
Mom: You HAVE to wear your pj's, don't argue with me! (yes, I know what a silly thing to even argue about. But I really thought it would be fun for him)

7:20 am

Mom: Eat your breakfast! Kim will be hear in a few minutes to take you to school! You have to eat!
Teagen: I am sick, I can't eat!
Mom: Whatever, you are just fine.
(his ride comes & takes him to school)

8:30 am

Mom: Crap, who is calling now!? I need to get to the gym!
School Nurse: Hi Mrs. Mortensen, I have Teagen here & he says he is sick. He doesn't have a fever & he looks fine, but he says his tummy really hurts. He also said that he told you that this morning & that you KNEW he was sick.
Mom: Does he want me to pick him up?
Nurse: Yes
Mom: I am on my way! (okay ms. Nurse totally thought I was an idiot for sending my kid who said he was sick to school, but I KNEW he was not sick)

Okay, I felt like the biggest loser of a mom! He got in the car & he seemed just fine. I had decided that I was taking him to the gym & he'd have to sit & watch me work out. Well, by the time we got to the gym, he was sure perky & happy & ready to play! So I let him go in the child care with all of the other kids. When I was done with my work out, I went to get him & pretty much got the evil eye from all the child care ladies! They asked me if Teagen was sick & I said no, he had me come pick him up from school cause he said he was sick, but really I know it was because he didn't want to wear his pj's......

I felt like an idiot! They also mentioned that Liv had a really buggery nose & that it was all nasty & green!?!?! Her nose really isn't that runny & it is not green at all! I seriously felt like the worst parent! I asked Teagen if he had told the ladies he was sick & he was like, DUH mom! Of course I did. I asked him if he was sick & he said, NOPE! What is this kid doing to me!??? :)

I guess the whole reason I am posting this silly little story is because I am trying to figure out the lessons I need to learn from this. I really felt like an irresponsible mother today.


Marcelina Moreno said...

I think the lesson we've learned here is that you need a home gym. That way you can have sick or not sick kids anytime and not worry about anyone judging you for that. I love ya Jenn and if I was there or you were here, I'd watch your kids boggery noses and all.

The Atwood's said...

I feel for ya Jen! Atleast he really wasn't sick. Gage kept telling us he didn't feel well and we didn't believe him. Hours of puking and Strep throat later - we believed him! :) I hate days like that AND remember that those gym girls can be really onry sometimes and they need to remember they are being paid to be there! :)

Becca said...

my daughter Emi tells me that she is sick every morning. I just say "you tell me that everyday, you have to go to school" then when she really is sick and they call me to come get her I feel like a loser! You aren't a loser. Wait.............maybe you are? Just kidding.

TOVAR said...

Don't worry about it. . .you had a little screaming boy whom your son sweetly tried to soothe. Thanks again.

Mike and Kelly said...

It could have been worse, he could have thrown up at school, or at the gym... if he really was sick. Halle is my faker, and I have no idea what to do with her.. Good luck and let me know if you find anything that works.

Natalie said...

I'm sure that school nurse and those child-care workers don't have any children. I'd have told the school nurse, "Whatever. He's not sick. Send the kid back to class!" Okay, so I win the unsympathetic mother award, but honestly. You'd think a nurse could see he wasn't sick. As for the boogery nose, I think that's pretty normal. If I had a nickel for every time my kids had boogery noses, I'd be a millionaire! I think you did a great job!

Cutler Family said...

i think he probably wasn't "sick"...i bet he swallowed that lost quarter!

Angela said...

Oh, I can relate. It is discouraging when other caregivers see our kiddos status differently than us. Well, humm, if I had to find a silverlining -- I'd rather have to endure a lame/frustrating minor "illness" than a real serious sickness.
Oh, here's my "sick" kid story. Twice this year I had to pick up my son from school because he was constipated. The 2nd time it happened, I showed him a saline enema as soon as we got home. Within 30 seconds he produced the relieving bowel movement – on his own. At least I've learned a way to motivate him.
Happy New Year!