Thursday, April 16, 2009

Galveston Triathlon, April 4th, 2009

Thanks Babe for doing this with me!
(Disclaimer: I worked on this back in April, so it is pretty much old news! But I knew I still needed to post all about it!)

Kiley & I participated in our very FIRST & most definitely not our last, Triathlon. It was up in Galveston, TX-about 4 hours away from San Antonio. Kiley has been in Houston for the past two months & the triathlon just happened to be the day after his LAST day in Houston. So I drove up with some girlfriends & met Kiley up there (Houston is about 45 min away from Galveston). The ride up was great! It's always fun to sit in a car with a bunch of ladies who are pretty cool & just sit back & chat it up! We were able to stay at a friends house...THANKS FISHER'S!!!! They moved down by us in San Antonio & are trying to sale their house up in Galveston. It got hit pretty hard during the hurricane but is now all put back together & is seriously adorable! The house was maybe 3 minutes away from where we would be racing the following day. We went to dinner & then back to the house. We decided to do a bit of "practicing" for the big day. The pictures say it all! Kiley was such a good sport chillin with all of the ladies! We really had such a great time......lots of great memories!
Yes, we are all so tough!
All of us trying desperately to perfect our form!
Pretty much we rock!

Me & my pal, Molly! She and I decided
to do this Tri way back when & I am so
grateful for her intensity & dedication! Thanks
Molly for making this such a fun experience!
I am the goofy one with my hands up in the air!
Good Job Kiley, Jen, Molly, & Rebecca! We did it!

Eating some food!
Kiley & I getting our Post Massage! It was so
I was so proud of Kiley for doing this tri with me! He rocked it. I really wanted to beat him & I almost did, but he beat me by 19 seconds! He did AMAZINGLY well on the swim & kicked all of our behinds! The swim was not quite a 500 meter swim, the bike was 12.5 miles, and the run was a 5k. I was pretty nervous about swimming in the ocean-definitely not my favorite, but doable! The bike was all along the ocean-very calming & serene! Loved it! We had such a great time & will be back next year! I am so glad we did it & am grateful for all the support & help along the way! SO grateful for good friends who were so willing to watch my kids! Becky you are the best! Love ya! Who knows, maybe the Mortensen's will become Triathletes?????


Lindsey Harman said...

I just caught myself up on your blog finally! You look great! Happy to hear you're still doing events. IF there's any chance we live in the same state again :)... I'd love to do a triathlon or something with you!

Shawn and Jessica Webb said...

Ok holy crap Jen! Livy is so tall! Has she grown since we've been out there? Seriously!! I'm like in shock of how tall she looks in those pictures!!! She looks like a big girl now! I need to call you! The last few days have been pretty crazy. I've had all the kids but Ethan. But I'm free now :) haha so I'll give you a call soon! Love ya and miss ya!!


Lindsey Hegehorst said...

JEN I am so proud of you I also am adicted to triathlones and would love to do one here in utah with you it looks like you had a blast! your utah lindsey hegerhorst