Thursday, April 15, 2010

MaRcH 2010

I am behind enough that I am going to post lots of pics of all thats been happening.

March 1st: Brielle is 6 weeks old! She is smiling & starting to talk & coo! So sweet! Still not the best sleeper at night & lets not even talk about naps!

Olivia LOVES to hold her sister. She also LOVES to have her picture taken!
Liv with her cute hair cut. I did it myself! The pics aren't so great, but her hair sure did look cute!
Brielle almost 7 weeks old! Love this cute outfit!

Smile! :)

Where have I been??????

I am sure y'all are wondering what happened to the Mortensen's! Four kids is what happened! Life has just been busy! Everyday I think, "Oh, I should really sit down & update our blog!" But then I have to sit & nurse a baby, clean up after my almost 3 year old, take someone to soccer or scouts, make a meal so we can all eat, fold a mountain of laundry, scrub a toilet! I literally could go on & on! But I will spare you all. Just for the record, I am not complaining, I'm just saying how it is. So because I feel that this blog is important, I am sitting down at 10:15pm when I should go hop in bed to update this blog! But I am not going to get all caught up. Just a few pics. But I will get this thing up to date soon! Too many cute pics to share!