Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A year has come & gone......

It is hard to believe that our little miss Olivia Beth is a year old! What a fun year it has been! I have loads of pictures to share & I don't want to put it on a slide show, so hopefully y'all will enjoy the millions of pics! Hopefully they will be in chronological order!
These pictures are obviously right after she was born. The second one is of the Doctor who delivered Olivia. She just happens to be our neighbor across the street & also a close friend whom we all love & adore! Thanks Dr. Berryman for the special treatment! We love you!

*Her brothers have adored her since day one. Yes, I would find little action figures surrounding the poor girl every now & then. She didn't seem to mind, though!
*Grandpa Tom was able to visit & be here when she was blessed in July '07!
*Olivia has grown leaps & bounds this past year. She conquered eating food at a very EARLY age. She mastered the baby stuff & moved on to the real stuff by the time she was 6 months old. Some of you are probably in shock, but my kids like food & they are not fooled by the baby goo-they know at a very early age that what we are eating is way better than what they are eating!
*She didn't sleep through the night until she was at least 7 months old. Of coarse, once she finally did, she has slept through the night since then!
*She mastered crawling when she was 9 months old & then started walking when she was 11 1/2 months old.
*She loves baby dolls. She has several & can be found cuddling them & patting them on the back.
*She is already pretty girly & loves to hug daddy when he gets home from work. She has been a mommy's girl from the get go, but has done really well with others this past month.
*I have mentioned to Kiley several times these past few weeks that I just can't get enough of this girl!
*She has an amazing smile & beautiful blue eyes.

*She loves the water!

*I love this girl!
*We can finally put her hair up in one little ponytail on the top of her head! She LOVES to pull it out, especially when she is tired.
*This picture is from last Sunday. I gave her an oreo on the way home from church & apparently she devoured it! That's my girl!
*I also have to add that since sleeping through the night, she has been an excellent sleeper/napper! This picture of her sleeping is how I find her a lot-her little bum up in the air. So cute!
*These last few pictures are from her birthday party. We didn't do anything big, just had a few friends over for pizza & birthday cake. Liv was sick that day. She had a temp of 102.8. So I had to drug her up so she could put on her party face. Didn't last long.....we sat her in her highchair to do the whole cake thing. She started to dig in right away & then before I could blow the candle out for her, she grabbed the flame with her little fingers! Luckily they were covered in chocolate frosting, but she did start bawling & then she pretty much was done for the night. It was still fun!

*Olivia & her birthday loot!

*It has been so fun to have a girl-she is so different from the boys already at this age. She is our little cuddle bug!
*She can only say a few words: mamma, dadda, Teagen, & hi.
*Happy Birthday Sweetheart!


for cryin' out loud said...

She's such a cutie! I can't believe how the time flies! We hope you are all doing well.

Angie said...

Wow!!! Has it really been a year! I can't believe it. Happy Birthday Olivia. It's been hard having to get to know her through a blog but I can't wait to see you guys this summer and get to see her fun personality. Love ya tons

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it has already been a year either! And I can't believe you can already pull her hair up! Sadi is such a baldy! I don't know what it's like to have little boys, but I do know that little girls are so much fun! Hope all it well!

Stacey B. said...

Hello Mortensens! It's Stacey Baker, remember me (AZ, med school, church, need I go on?) I saw your link on the Galbraith's blog and had to check you out. Your little girl is adorable and your boys look so handsome! What a cute family you have! I hope residency has been going well (Ben switched from Family to EM so he's just finishing up his 1st year again!) We live in Washington state and are really loving it here. It was so good to see your faces again. Hopefully we can keep in touch through blogs now!