Monday, August 3, 2009

The Teagster is 8!

Teagen's AMAZING birthday cupcake!!!! He is having a
bday party with friends on the 11th, so that is when we
will really celebrate!!!!

I am way behind as usual on this darn blog, but I am not ready to quite give up on it yet! I will have to post the summer going ons when I have a bit more time, but really wanted to celebrate my newly turned 8 year old boy & the joy he has brought into my life thus far!

*Good times at McCallister's Deli! Had to get some wacky

We let him chose where we were going tonight for dinner. He chose McCallister's of our faves! He LOVES the nachos there & insists we buy a side of the nacho dip just for him! We went to Target after dinner & let him pick out a brand new bike! Pretty exciting stuff!

Teagen was born on August 3rd, 2001. He was the cutest little thing & looked a whole lot like his daddy! He was a mover from the get go & I don't think he has stopped since that first time I felt him kick me while he was still baking in the oven! :) Teagen was born in American Fork Utah at the American Fork Hospital. He was 5 days late & weighed a hefty 7 lbs. 4 1/2 oz. He was smothered with love from the very beginning. We lived in my parents basement apartment & most of my 7 siblings still lived at home, with that said, being surrounded by so many adults & teenagers Teagen talked, walked, ran, laughed & all that other great stuff pretty early on. We moved to AZ for medical school right after he turned one. I think he missed his grandparents & aunts & uncles a lot, but LOVED all his new little friends & the amazing pool we had right outside our door. When he was almost 4, we moved back to my parents house for a year. We celebrated his 5th birthday in San Antonio--we had just moved 2 days before his birthday! He has been such a trooper with all of our moves to different states. He is a lot like me & can't wait to get back to Utah for a good lengthy visit with family & friends--I think that is where he considers "home". He loves to play sports, eat, watch tv, hang out with friends, play the DS or the WII (we don't have either, so he does that with friends at their houses), ride his bike, ride his scooter, swim, cuddle, & listen to pretend stories told by his dad. He is pretty much 100% a daddy's boy & loves to spend time with him. He is a good boy with a lot of energy & emotion which can really ware me out! I love him very much & know that Teagen is part of our family for a reason.

EIGHT reasons why I love Teagen:
*He has a boundless amount of energy that I wish I could bottle up & use myself!
*His excitement for things he really enjoys & likes is very contagious! If only we could channel it to some of the things he isn't too thrilled about (school work, piano, chores!!!)!
*He has an amazing memory! Definitely not something he got from me!
*He may not like to read like his mom & dad, but I love that he thoroughly enjoys pretend stories. Kiley has been telling him pretend stories since he was 2! If no one is willing to tell him a story, he can often be found telling Brayden a pretend story at night before they both fall asleep!
*He comes off as a not so sensitive kid, but in reality, he has a very sweet heart! He broke down crying at the end of one of the Peter Pan movies, I think the second one, cause he was so concerned that the little girl didn't have a family! Hopefully his tenderheartedness will shine through a little bit more as he continues to grow up!
*I LOVE that Teagen will run with me. I love it even more that for the most part, he can keep up with me. He has always been an amazing runner & hopefully will take a liking to it just like his mom & grandma!
*I love that he adores his daddy! He is much more fond of Kiley than he is of me & I am okay with that! He thinks his dad is the most amazing person & I hope that he will always think that & that they will always have a special bond!
*I love that Teagen is always up for a hug or just a good old cuddle session on the couch. Again something that I hope he never grows out of.....except in HS when he starts dating & all that good stuff!
We love you Teagen & hope you have the best birthday ever! Thanks for being apart of our family!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

My oldest turned 8 in March, and I kept thinking, "I can't believe I have an 8-year-old." 8 has been an awesome age, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.