Olivia turned three on May 20th! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! I think she has grown up the fastest of all my kids! It seems like yesterday she was a tiny newborn baby & now she is this giant who tells us all what to do & is bossy & demanding, & yet, can wrap you around her finger with her beautiful smile & freckly nose! Kiley was still in Panama for her birthday, so we really didn't do much. It was her last day of preschool & she also had a doctors appointment, with our fave pediatrician! We had subways for dinner & that was pretty much it. The next day, she had a little luncheon with 3 of her friends. Nothing too exciting, but she did have a great time! Kiley got home & the next day we went to Chuck E Cheese's with grandma Shirlee & swimming, too! She got a cute princess scooter & some fun princess stuff from her friends! I think she really enjoyed her birthday.
Three things that I love about my Livie girl would be:
*I absolutely LOVE her sweet raspy voice & accent. I love to sit & chat with her & make here say water, door, here, there, & a few others. I laugh so hard cause she totally has a cute little accent! And the raspy voice is my Fave! I hope she doesn't grow out of this for a long time!
*I love that she follows me every where I go. Okay, maybe I don't love it all of the time, but most of the time, I think it is so sweet. She likes to be with me all day long or if she is playing or watching a show, she'll come & find me so she can check in on me! I won't lie, some days it makes me crazy, but it also makes me feel so very loved!
*I love that she stalls at bed time. One more song. Let's read a book. We forgot family prayers. I need to go potty.....AGAIN! She loves for us to lay down next to her & sing a million songs & she will also just chat away. She is definitely my girl!
Happy Birthday to the Best little 3 year old! I love you so much, sis!
Happy Birthday Olivia! She is a minnie Jen for sure, so cute.
I can't believe that she is already 3! They are growing up so fast. We are so excited to see you this summer! Love you tons!
I love how she says my name, "Kafryn" and the way her face lights up when she opens the front door and finds me on the porch. I am definitely, hands-down, one of the people she has wrapped the tightest around her sticky little fingers and would give her absolutely anything in the world! I love you, Livia!
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