Monday, June 23, 2008

My cute kids!

I need to send a shout out to my three adorable kids! I feel like this summer has been tough on all of us! I now know why my mother always despised summertime! I have tried to keep us all busy-we have swim lessons at 9 every morning until 10. One whole hour. One whole hour that is filled up with something to do. What next, you might ask???? GOOD QUESTION! It is so blasted hot during the day & we don't get much relief in the evenings, so we live for swim lessons in the morning & then struggle to make it through the rest of the day! We do "Miss Jen's Summer School", but even that is a hit & miss! My boys are always BEGGING to go over to a friends house & so we have had lessons on proper manners.....We Do Not Invite Ourselves to Other People's Houses. They didn't like that too much, but I think they are figuring it out. They want to have kids over at our house every day, but I am a mean mom & don't usually let that happen too often. I think we have the "Summer Blues", kind of equivalent to "Winter Blues". They have a hard time listening & I have NO PATIENCE! Seeing that today is the beginning of a new week, I am going to set some new week resolutions!

1-No more yelling! I resort to yelling after asking or telling 100 times! Seems to work, but I know there is a better way! :)

2-Less stressing about having a "clean" house! I need LOLA (she cleans for a lot of my friends)!

3-Have MORE fun! We have had spurts of fun, here & there. A birthday party. Boating at the lake-both boys even tried to knee board. Teagen got up & did great! Swimming at the river with friends. A few play dates. Bowling. Movies. Sea World (not so much fun for me having to lug around 3 kids with out losing one of them!). Ya, we aren't lacking too much in the fun category!

4-Enjoy my kids while they are young-they are already growing up too fast!

I do love my kiddo's! Each one of them adds so much to our family! They are always making me laugh & occasionally cry! The other day, Teagen asked me as we were driving in the car:
Teagen: Mom, who puts the chicken poop(what we call eye boogers) in our eyes at night when we are asleep?
Me: What do you mean?
Teagen: Who goes around to all the sleeping people at night & puts chicken poop in their eyes?
Me: (trying so hard not to laugh hysterically) Well Teag, who do you think does it?
Teagen: (thinking really hard) I think it is definitely the parents who do it!
Me: Well, I think we had better ask daddy what he thinks when he gets home tonight!
Teagen: Ya, my daddy will know. He knows everything.
Me: (well this is what I was thinking-I never said it out loud) Does this kid really believe his daddy knows everything??? Sometimes the man doesn't even know where HIS wallet is! :) ***LUV you Ki! :)***
Teagen did ask Kiley later that night & I believe Kiley gave him the "medical" version of where eye boogers come from! Cute boy!
Hope everybodys summer is going by quickly & enjoyably (is that a word!)!


Cutler Family said...

Hey Jen! Cute pics....can't believe how big the kids are! Liv is beautiful! Kiss them all for me

Miss you


Winters Outloud said...

Liv looks just like you! She is so cute! We are experiencing some of those same looonnnng summer days~ good luck!

Hillary said...

Cute kids Jen! I know how you feel, life can get so crazy sometimes (all the time).

don and jacki said...
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don and jacki said...

poor little gal! she looks just like her mom! boy jen, you must be getting old! look how your kids are growing up! dang cute!!!

Brittany said...

I am glad that it's not just me trying to keep the kids busy....however, I have so much sympathy for you in the heat!! I have never felt heat like that until I went there!! Even Venezuela was better and that's practically ON the equator! My girls are in like 6 dance classes to keep busy!! Crazy life!