Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Liv's FIRST day of MDO (Mother's Day Out Preschool Program)!

This year Livy is attending Preschool. She is going to the same MDO program that Brayden went to a few years ago. She missed the first day of school because we had family here & I felt that was a bit more important than her going to school. She went for the first time this last Thursday, the 10th. I was very nervous about it. She goes every Tuesday & Thursday from 9am to 2pm. It is a long day for a 2 year old, but surprisingly she has done FANTASTIC! I miss her during the day, but must also admit that it is so nice to run errands, grocery shop, & take a bath all by myself without tantrums & other things that 2 year olds like to do! Her teacher is Miss Sherry & she has lots of kids from the neighborhood & church in her class. I think it is going to be a great year & will really help her transition a bit more smoothly when this little sister of hers joins our family in January. She has had some major milestones in her little life lately, like going to school & the biggest one yet is that she is officially potty trained! I started the week the boys started school & she has done a great job! Loves her panties & her potty candy! We struggled big time the first few days, but then she suddenly got it & rarely has any kind of accident. I am so proud of my little girl!

All ready to go to school! What a cutie!

Liv with Miss Sherry!
Olivia all dolled up to meet her teacher at
Meet the Teacher Orientation the week before
school started!
Liv in her Dora Panties!


Zwick family said...

I love your posts!!! Your little girl is SOOOO cute and funny!! We are trying to potty train our 2 year old daughter as well. Not going as smoothly as yours! That is so nice that she's in preschool during the day! Congrats on your son's baptism too. Talk to you later!


summer said...

I would love a Mothers Day Out preschool for my youngest....that sounds like a wonderful event for both you and Olivia! She's growing up so fast...and just out of curiosity because the fronts of the homes looked like the homes in our neighborhood in FL, but was it built by KB Homes....or do most homes in the lower half of the nation look the same?! :)

Congratulations on Teagan's baptism as well...exciting times at your home!