Sunday, September 28, 2008

How can I turn back the hands of time?????

I have a confession. The kids & I did not go to church today. Brayden wasn't been feeling well & I didn't feel like contaminating the 500 kids that are in our ward! Of course I am exaggerating the 500 kids thing, more like 300! :) Kiley is gone on a rotation in Corpus Christi for a month & so I am a single parent for the time being!
So, what on earth did I do ALL day long with 3 kids & nothing to do......we TRY to not watch TV on Sundays & so that makes the day DDDDDDDDRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! I am not kidding, I looked at the clock at around 9:45ish this morning & then, what felt like 3 hours later, I glanced up at the clock & it was BARELY 10:30! Me, being the genius that I am & really not wanting to have to do any entertaining for a while, decided to pull out the old family videos. The boys LOVED them! It was so fun to see them react to themselves as babies & then as little toddlers. I was searching the house for a Dramamine-home videos make me so nauseous & dizzy! Normally I would go & do my own thing while they were busy with the TV, but I was enjoying it just as much as they were! Despite filling so queasy, I really enjoyed watching the movies & being able to remember my boys as cute little babies & toddlers. It also made me feel OLD & made me realize that time does just fly & it is so important to enjoy the NOW because LATER is just around the corner!

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